1. Host countries with ample raw material resources
deserve to have a part of and benefit from the
upgrading process; therefore first & foremost
where possible cost effective and based upon
reasonably feasibility could the installation of a
beneficiation facility on their home soil.
2. As global resources are precious and finite;
LUMA-i pledges to strive as possible to utilize
renewables in its plant designs, install
environmental safeguards, maintain a balanced
environmental bio-diversity and ecology in
proximity of its facilities and such.
3. Currently a Zero Carbon Footprint goal may be
overly ambitious in the short-term taking into
consideration the nature of such said industries,
however via advances and from an intense
in-house Research & Development (R&D) division
would it be logically possible to make a series
staged reductions and/or gradual improvements
over time.
4. R&D is the key to not only improve facility
efficiency by innovations on the existing, but to
likewise be a trail blazer in developing new future
patentable technologies, processes, equipment,
products, alternatives and such.
What LUMA-i Believes and Respects
(Simply phrased by Thomas A. Edison: “There’s a way to do it better – Find It!”)
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